we picked a peck of plump peaches


Over the weekend, I checked the peaches on our tiny peach tree in our backyard — a tree we didn’t know we had until March when the pits appeared. I felt the fuzzy skin of one that turned a deep red, and it gave a bit under my fingers.

“The peaches are ready!” I yelled to A., who was lounging on the patio.

Except it wasn’t just one or two that were ready — it was 18 succulent California peaches. (The birds pecked five more to their rotting, crumbling deaths.)

A. and I pulled off the peaches dripping with juice, and I excitedly hauled them into the kitchen and boiled half of them so I could slip off the fuzzy skin and freeze the chunks. Then I made a batch of peach butter to enjoy with my homemade bread.

We also ate a few on our road trip to Sequoia National Park, our laps full of paper towels, our fingers sticky, the warm air blowing on our arms and legs, the speakers blasting “The Lone Bellow,” the sun stretching in the cloudless sky.

Now I have my eye on our apricot tree: Hundreds of apricots are starting to turn yellow. I bought canning jars yesterday and I’m searching for recipes for anything apricot. Please share if you have any!




Filed under desert, food, Uncategorized

8 responses to “we picked a peck of plump peaches

  1. salkillian@comcast.net

    Peach butter sounds really good.

  2. It does sound good. Must be nice having those trees.

  3. Oh man! I need to make a batch of apricot fruit roll-ups for a book event this weekend. If only your tree and my kitchen were just a little closer….

  4. I swear the timing of this is amazing. My mother just brought home some apricots today. I’ll definitely be looking over your butter recipe. I wonder if it would work with apricots instead of peaches? I’d also love to know that roll-up recipes too.

    • I don’t know why you can’t use apricots instead of peaches in the peach butter. Worth a try? Though, maybe better to search for apricots on Smitten Kitchen. Her stuff is really great. Casey, can you share the roll-up recipe with Megan?

  5. Note: I have 7 apricots. I’m new to cooking too so I’m still getting used to measurements.

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